Aging well is no longer just about tracking down wrinkles: it’s also about having beautiful skin. Smooth, toned skin, without blackheads or imperfections and with tightened pores.

Indeed, the pores of our skin can dilate and become visible, because of an excess of sebum and impurities. If the sebum oxidizes, small blackheads appear.

Dr. HAVET offers gentle and non-invasive techniques to deeply cleanse your skin and say goodbye to impurities, but also to exfoliate it while preserving the beauty and youthfulness of your skin, for all phototypes.


The ideal solution for flawless skin that breathes? The latest generation HYDRAFACIAL skin cleanser for clear and oxygenated skin, combined with medical peels and LED light to exfoliate and regenerate the skin.



Pores allow our skin to breathe and allow sebum and sweat to escape. Each pore contains a hair follicle and a sebaceous gland.

In some people, pores can become dilated and/or clogged. This phenomenon is aggravated by the accumulation of dead cells in the epidermis (especially since cell renewal is increasingly lazy with age), but also by poor skin cleansing and makeup removal, the use of unsuitable cosmetics, pollution and smoking.

But that’s not all! We think wrongly that it dries the skin, but the sun leads to the formation of pimples and blackheads. In addition to accelerating skin aging (wrinkles, spots), it thickens the epidermis and will stimulate the sebaceous glands that produce sebum.

Genetics also comes into play: some individuals have naturally larger pores than others, often in people with thick skin and therefore prone to excess sebum ()

As the pores are “blocked”, the skin breathes poorly and this leads to the formation of inflammation: pimples. Blackheads, on the other hand, are actually small internal comedones whose tips oxidize in the air, giving them a dark color.

Generally, these imperfections are observed on the T-zone: the forehead, between the eyebrows, the wings of the nose and the chin.



Blackheads and large pores affect all skin types!

Of course, combination to oily skin is the most prone to imperfections. Your skin, even as an adult, produces excessive sebum. The causes are often multifactorial: hormonal imbalances, genetics, poor lifestyle or the use of cosmetics that are not at all adapted to your skin.

Dry skin is often dehydrated: it needs water, not oil. To compensate for this lack of hydration, it will produce more sebum than necessary. This explains the appearance of blackheads and spots.



Beautiful skin needs to be maintained!

This is the rule of 4:

4 steps to never neglect: cleansing, exfoliation, hydration & nutrition, protection. All of this without hurting it. Because the skin, this organ that is both strong and fragile, needs care!

This requires non-invasive treatments that will clean and exfoliate the skin.



As its name indicates, HYDRAFACIAL is designed to moisturize the skin. A well-hydrated skin is a skin that is even more beautiful and can better fight against external aggressions and skin aging.

But for that, it must be perfectly cleaned.

Blackheads, excess sebum and dead cells are literally absorbed by the Vortex of the applicator. In fact, after having dislodged the impurities, this unique, completely painless and even pleasant system simply sucks them up.

HYDRAFACIAL is a latest generation skin cleanser which, by means of a patented system called “Vortex”, cleanses, exfoliates and then, at the end of the treatment, infuses the skin with serums adapted to each skin problem.

The skin is plumped up, the complexion is radiant and the pores are tightened.

Over the course of the sessions, HYDRAFACIAL really helps to limit the appearance of blackheads and imperfections, for a clearer skin texture.

This treatment is an essential part of any beautiful skin routine and is suitable for all skin types: from the fairest to the darkest.



Perfectly combinable with Hydrafacial sessions, medical peels, whether with fruit acids or TCA, are a reference treatment for a clear skin free of dead cells.

By acting on the horny layer of the skin (the epidermis), their chemical action (but light and gentle) stimulates cell renewal: the skin breathes better, the pores are tightened, the complexion is even and luminous. In fact, this exfoliation limits the appearance of pimples and imperfections.

Depending on your skin type and needs, and after examining your skin, Dr. HAVET will recommend a type of peel – which can also treat other parallel problems such as dullness, fine lines, acne or any hyperpigmentation and spots.



LED is the gentle treatment par excellence and a reference in aesthetic medicine. This beneficial light that penetrates into the heart of our cells without any danger was discovered by NASA. Often red but also orange or blue, it stimulates cellular energy and skin regeneration. It is also effective in fighting acne, which can occur when you have oily skin.

Each session of medical peeling or HYDRAFACIAL performed at Doctor HAVET ends with about twenty minutes under the soothing light of the LED to potentiate the effects of the treatment performed.

Another beautiful skin supplement? The exotic fruits we have in the Caribbean (mangoes, papayas, pineapples and other citrus fruits) are excellent: full of vitamin C and antioxidants, they are great allies for health and beauty.


Are you interested in effective treatments to say goodbye to your blackheads and dilated pores? Do you wish to consult with Doctor HAVET in the West Indies? Make an appointment now.