Scars can leave marks. Hypertrophic, keloid or on the contrary depressed, the anarchic repair of the tissues can be visible, especially on the exposed areas.

Whether they are surgical, traumatic or due to acne, scars are more or less disabling. When acne has been particularly severe, it can leave unsightly marks on the face: scars in the form of hollows or irregular edges whose depth, size and color can vary.

In order to treat scars effectively, treatment must be carried out as early as possible. Depending on the nature of the scar, several treatments are possible to improve the quality of the skin and smooth it.

Dr. HAVET will direct you to the most appropriate treatment or combination of treatments for scars.



The treatment is done by injection. It works very well if it is done as soon as possible.

A hypertrophic scar will tend to flatten, while a keloid will see its evolution stopped. A good sign of keloids evolution is when it itches, it’s time to take care of it!

Some postoperative indications are done with botulinum toxin.



Medical peels allow for more or less in-depth exfoliation of the skin, stimulating and promoting cell renewal. Little by little, they smooth the skin.

TCA peels, a medium peel, will improve shallow and superficial acne scars by smoothing them out ()

Peelings also make it possible to treat all skin imperfections: spots, marks, fine lines, irregularities. They are also indicated for post inflammatory marks.

Several sessions will be necessary and avoiding the sun’s rays at all costs will be essential because the peel makes the skin even more vulnerable to UV rays.



Microneedling combines the restructuring energy of radiofrequency with the action of microneedles. The action is twofold: it acts both inside the skin at the level of the deep dermis by stimulating collagen production, but also more on the surface by pushing the skin to regenerate itself under the action of the microneedles. This gradually smoothes the skin and ultimately reduces scars.

This treatment can be performed on all phototypes, and the protocol is adapted to each case.



Traitement des cicatrices e,n Guadeloupe / Saint-Martin - Dr Havet

In some cases, and after examining your scars, Dr. HAVET may use hyaluronic acid injections.

With the aging of the skin and the sagging of the skin on the face, it happens that scars become even more visible. Hollows and shadowy areas become more pronounced. Thus, with the help of a thick hyaluronic acid, hollow scars can be injected to fill them and obtain a nice lifting and plumping effect that lasts several months.

To remedy acne scars with hyaluronic acid injections, the acne must not still be active (inflammatory).


For all the above mentioned treatments, you should be particularly careful about sun exposure in the month following the session.


Are you interested in acne scar treatment in the West Indies? Do you wish to have a consultation with Doctor HAVET? Make an appointment now.