The eyes are a key area of the face: through them, we express our emotions and they live according to them; they move! Every time we laugh, doubt, are surprised, sad or angry, our gaze – and our eyes – move.

The skin around the eyes is particularly thin and fragile. Repeated movements make it even more fragile and the eyes are often one of the first areas to suffer from the signs of aging.

Dr. HAVET offers aesthetic medicine treatments that open up, illuminate and rejuvenate the eyes in a natural way.



The eyes are quickly affected by the phenomenon of skin aging: wrinkles and fine lines appear and settle in, the upper and lower eyelids become heavier, bags, sometimes fatty, appear under the eyes. Due to the loss of fatty tissue, dark circles deepen, making the orbital bones stand out. Finally, microcirculation is less and less dynamic, so drainage is less effective and colored dark circles appear.

This has the effect of aging the whole face, and makes it look unjustly tired and sad.



Médecine esthétique du regard à Saint-Martin / Guadeloupe / Saint-Barth - Dr Havet

With age and depending on the individual, wrinkles appear more or less quickly in the eyes, particularly :

  • Crow’s feet wrinkles (starting from the outer edges of the eye towards the outside).
  • The wrinkles under the eye, giving a tired and sad look. In women, makeup sometimes makes them even more visible.
  • Wrinkles between the eyebrows (or frown lines): these generally give an unjustly stern, frowning look.
  • The rabbit wrinkle (starting from the inner edge of the eye and developing on the edges of the nose)

The treatment indicated in this case consists of targeted injections of botulinum toxin, the objective of which is to relax the eye area in order to open it up and rejuvenate it.

Thanks to micro-injections, Dr. HAVET can smooth out these wrinkles without freezing your expressions or altering your charm. In fact, he generally focuses on wrinkles that convey negative emotions and accentuate them, rather than those that result from positive emotions. 

The result of an injection of botulinum toxin around the eyes is definitive after one week, and lasts about 4 to 6 months, or even longer in some patients.

Botulinum toxin can also be injected into the forehead to treat horizontal wrinkles.


–> Fractional radiofrequency sessions with microneedles may be recommended to treat more pronounced wrinkles in the crow’s feet area.  Radiofrequency waves coupled with a specific tip equipped with microneedles can both stimulate and revive collagen production, thus tightening the skin, but also smoothing it mechanically.



Hyaluronic acid as a filler works wonders to restore volume to dark circles that have become too hollow over time, or after a heavy weight loss.

Accustomed to treating this delicate area, Dr. HAVET will take care to avoid any over-correction. He will inject the right amount of product – a hyaluronic acid specially designed and adapted to this area – to obtain a natural result and above all not a swollen one. As an added bonus, filling in the dark circles allows you to play with light and shadow, and if your dark circles are colored, they will tend to be less pronounced.

Your eyes are instantly brighter and the results last for 12 to 18 months.



There are several reasons for the appearance of dark circles under the eyes: fatigue, of course, and often genetics. Then, several types of dark circles exist:

  • Dark circles, most often linked to poor blood circulation and accentuated if the skin is very thin,
  • Dark circles, characteristic of mixed-race and dark skin, resulting from excess pigmentation.

Very often, dark circles are accompanied by a more or less significant hollow. Thus, hyaluronic acid injections, by filling this hollow and improving the quality of the skin, will bring light to the eyes. A depigmenting peel can be performed on dark circles that are subject to hyperpigmentation.

Dark circles can therefore be improved but never completely eliminated.

Doctor HAVET, after examining you and depending on your case (skin, needs), will recommend the best solution or a combination of several protocols without surgery in order to illuminate and rejuvenate your eyes, always in a very natural way.

Are you interested in one of these treatments to rejuvenate your eyes? You wish to have a consultation with Dr. Pierre-Michel HAVET? Make an appointment now.