For both men and women, facial aging is an unavoidable process due to internal changes in the skin and its structures. It is accentuated by external factors such as pollution, diet, smoking or alcohol consumption, and of course sun exposure. Genetics also plays a determining role.

Thus, facial aging can evolve slowly or more rapidly, and differently from one individual to another, depending on the shape of the face, the ethnic origins and the particularities of each person.

To treat skin aging with aesthetic medicine, it is important to analyze the face precisely – its dynamics, its expressions – in order to propose adapted, tailor-made treatment protocols that embellish the features and enhance the natural beauty of each individual.



Besoins en médecine etshétique visage - Dr Havet )à Saint-martin / Guadeloupe

The aging of our face is due to the atrophy of several tissues – the skin, of course, but also deeper underlying structures such as fatty tissue, muscles and even bones. This aging is manifested by the appearance of wrinkles, the deepening of various furrows on each side of the face, and then by the overall sagging of the face.

By analyzing an aging face, we can see that skin aging, although unavoidable, can present itself in different ways depending on the individual. Generally, it leads to the appearance of expressions and negative emotions, more or less pronounced, due to the morphotype. For example, a long face will tend to become hollow, a rather round face will tend to sag.

Negative expressions make their appearance because of :

  • Loss of facial volume as the tissues atrophy
  • Loose skin (ptosis)
  • The change in the structure of the epidermis and therefore the appearance of the skin
  • An imbalance between the elevator and abductor muscles


Thus, the negative emotional attributes are:

  • To look tired: hollow rings, wrinkles under the eyes, jowls…
  • To look sad, bitter: valleys of tears dug, folds of bitterness, nasolabial folds…
  • To look severe, worried, irritated: frown lines, horizontal forehead wrinkles…


Thus, Dr. HAVET’s work is to identify precisely the anatomical modifications linked to aging and the negative expressions it causes, for each face. Thus, taking into account the facial dynamics is essential to correct the negative and unaesthetic expressions, while preserving the expressiveness and the mimics of each person.



Médecine etshétique du visage à saint-Martin / Guadeloupe - Dr Havet

The analysis of facial aging is based on the segmentation of the face into three thirds – the upper third, the middle third and the lower third, while taking into account the face and what makes it special in its entirety.

  • The upper third of the face (forehead, eyes, temples, dark circles) is treated primarily with targeted injections of botulinum toxin and different types of hyaluronic acid. The objective of botulinum toxin is not to suppress the expression of certain emotions but rather to favor a rested and open face, in other words, to favor positive expressions.
  • The middle third is a question of volume harmony, and it is important to treat this area in its entirety, in order to restore a correct volumetry, perfectly in line with the patient’s face. To do this, Dr. HAVET will use hyaluronic acids of different natures, more or less volumizing or fluid, in order to adapt to the movements of the face, and especially in a way similar to the native tissues.
  • The lower third, which includes the lips, but also the oval of the face with the jaw and chin, is a key area in the treatment of facial aging. As the lips are a highly mobile area, the cross-linking of hyaluronic acid and its properties are essential. The precise analysis of the anatomy of the lips but also of the entire mouth area is essential to obtain a natural result.



The result of many years of research, this analysis technique developed by Allergan Laboratories allows for precise and, above all, completely personalized treatment of facial aging. This particular coding makes it possible to achieve, regardless of the treatment – but especially in the context of anti-wrinkle injections – a natural, subtle and elegant beautification of the facial features.

The use of MD Codes aims at beautifying the face of each patient, man or woman, without modifying his mimics or his charm. In this way, this way of working responds perfectly to the current demand for medical and aesthetic treatments and is in line with the French Touch.

This coding made of letters and numbers divides the face in various zones whose analysis allows a treatment of the patient without its globality by integrating the criteria of beauty and natural youth while emphasizing its particularities.

In contrast to standardization, this analysis makes it possible to propose fully personalized medical and aesthetic treatment protocols with perfectly natural results.