Aesthetic medicine today offers several non-invasive solutions to reshape and sculpt the body, whether you are a man or a woman. For women, cellulite is often a concern and protocols exist to tone, smooth and destroy fat in order to visibly reduce the orange peel appearance.

Cryolipolysis, anti-cellulite injections and electromagnetic waves are three effective treatments, which can be combined or not, to fight against localized excess weight and dimpled skin (hips, stomach, thighs, knees…), to firm up and reshape the body.



From the inside, it is a cluster of fat cells (adipocytes) that are engorged. They can no longer store lipids. This engorgement blocks the circulation of liquids and lymph, and then prevents the evacuation of toxins, which accumulate and lead to inflammation. Very often, a lazy blood circulation is associated with cellulite, and cellulite itself leads to poor circulation. It is a vicious circle.

On the outside, cellulite appears on the surface of the skin, which is compressed: this is the orange peel appearance.

Women are almost the only ones concerned by cellulite, because their bodies have twice as many fat cells as men’s. They are predisposed to store fat for pregnancy or breastfeeding, and this in the hips, thighs and buttocks. They are predisposed to store fat for pregnancy or breastfeeding in the hips, thighs and buttocks.



Genetic predisposition! In women, fat is stored more easily in the thighs, hips and buttocks. It is the body that is “preparing” itself for a future pregnancy or breastfeeding the baby. 

But men are not spared from localized fat deposits: they are mainly found in the love handles and abdomen.

These localized clusters of fat are voluntarily tenacious fat cells, intended for use in case of a “hard blow”; they are reserves. That’s why they are particularly difficult to remove, even with a balanced diet and sport.

Fortunately, there are techniques that can help make fat disappear permanently and radically, without the inconvenience of surgery.



  • Cryolipolysis

Destroying 30% to 40% of the fat cells of a bulge in a single session thanks to cold is possible with cryolipolysis. A handpiece is placed on the fatty area – hips, upper and lower abdomen, thighs, knees – and the area is literally frozen at a temperature monitored between -6° and -10° degrees. This targeted cold bursts some of the fat cells, which self-destruct (they enter apoptosis), and then their contents are evacuated through natural channels.

These cells do not come back, they are destroyed for good. The result is visible after a few weeks: the area is more harmonious and shapely.

Since cellulite is made up of fat cells, Cryolipolysis also helps to improve orange peel skin. 


  • Injections against cellulite

Dr HAVET uses a unique injectable bio-revitalization solution, specially indicated for the treatment of small bumps related to cellulite. This cocktail is injected in mesotherapy to fight against the orange peel appearance, using a specific mesotherapy gun making the session painless. As a bonus, the technique stimulates microcirculation, which has a beneficial effect on cellulite.

The recommended protocol is one session per week for 4-6 weeks, but it will be adapted according to the needs and the overall body shaping protocol.


  • High intensity electrostimulation waves (EMSCULPT)

The objective is to stimulate and contract the muscle in depth. This system is ultra innovative and above all incomparable to a sports session, or to the use of electrodes for the abdominal muscles or any classic electrostimulation belt: the muscle contractions here are said to be “supramaximal”.

A 30 minute session of EmSculpt is equivalent to 30,000 squats or crunches, so the muscles are working at their maximum capacity. The energy required is therefore very high and the body is quick to draw on its fat reserves. This cutting-edge technology allows you to build muscle (16% gain in mass), lose fat mass (approx. 20%) and thus visibly improve the orange peel appearance linked to cellulite. In only 4 to 6 sessions.

Perfect for bouncy buttocks, a drawn tummy and abs and streamlined thighs.


  • Radio frequency, to a certain extent

Radiofrequency in body contouring can be used for two reasons, and rather in addition to other techniques if you really want to act on cellulite and fatty deposits:

1/ the heat emitted by the waves leads to the self-destruction of a part of the fat cells as does cryolipolysis, and therefore of a part of the cellulite

2/ radiofrequency allows the skin to be tightened and toned, which can sometimes be necessary after a cryolipolysis session, which does not affect the skin’s texture.


Dr. HAVET will recommend the best protocol according to your needs and the nature of your skin.


Are you interested in one of these treatments for localized fatty deposits and cellulite? You wish to have a consultation with Doctor Pierre-Michel HAVET in the West Indies? Make an appointment now.